Summer of Sonic 2011 planned, registering interest

This has the words 'Summer' and 'Sonic' in it, therefore it is a related header.

Well it’s almost half way (not really though) to Summer, so it’s expected that the details for the annual Summer of Sonic convention should be making their way onto the internet. Either way it’s been announced that if the numbers are big in this years convention then there will be an after party.

You can register your interest on it’s Facebook page. Personally, I will be making my way to London (it’s only a short while away) to the event for all the fun and frolics if just to check it out. It’ll be worth a day out, at least.


[Source: Sonic Stadium]

Readers Comments (4)

  1. Is it true that Europeans think that a roughly two hour trip is something you have to go out of the way for?
    I only ask because I noticed a few British who opted out of a trip to France or some place ’cause it would take a a couple hours to get there, and I’m thinking “damn, some us use the weekend to go to Vegas and that’s a four hour drive. Hell, some people commute to work every day for two hours”.

  2. @matty

    Well I guess it depends, personally I take a two hour journey every day so I”m used to it, but I can see why people might be put off.

    @Alex Barbatsis


  3. @matty
    I am in England and have to travel (by bus) about
    a combined 3-4 hours a day (sleeping helps pass the time).
    England’s obviously tiny in comparison to America yet I have never been to London, I would like to go but only if it was free to travel :D.

    I will be going on November 5th to the Distant Worlds: Final Fantasy concert however.

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