
Generations ads hit Sky, new footage shown

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7cUXPgo1EE&w=450&h=259] Last week we reported about Sega and Sonic Generations sponsoring The Simpsons on the various Sky channels. The Generations campaign has finally started and the first TV ad is out. While it’s nothing spectacular and the quality is a bit crap, we do have a look at what…


Review: Thor: God of Thunder (3DS)

No, you didn’t accidentally click the “Back” tab 20 times. Coinciding with the release of the DVD, the 3DS Thor comes nearly five months after the film’s theatrical release. Remember this past April? Remember three little Thor games that came out back then? Remember how much we projectile vomited after playing them?…


Shinobi 3DS – Even more details

Some new details for Shinobi 3DS have surfaced, mainly about the dev team and the combat system. – a large portion of The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night GBA team worked on this title – music composed by Norihiko Hibino – Griptonite actually pitched the game to Sega –…