Griptonite employees really love Shinobi

Sega recently held a Q&A with Shinobi 3DS developers Griptonite. I will be honest, before this interview I was nervous about this company putting their hands on my beloved Shinobi. However after reading about how much they love the games, even more than I do really, I feel more at ease about the upcoming release. The interview is a great read and has some really cool concept art in it.

I was so excited for Shinobi III that when I heard it was coming I decided it was time to get a job at McDonald’s so I could afford to get it the day it came out. Shinobi III is still in my personal top ten games of all time list. The balance and thought that went into the design of Shinobi III, is in my mind, near perfection. I still regularly play this game. It is on my Genesis right next to my desk!

Fast forward many years, military service and 10 years with Griptonite Games and I finally got a shot of a lifetime working on a game franchise that defined my young adulthood.

If that doesn’t inspire confidence then I don’t know what will. Hit the jump to see some concept art!


[Source: Sega Blog]