

Review: Crush 3D (3DS)

In 2007 Zoe Mode released Crush on the PSP with the help of Sega. With the PSP in it’s (fairly) early days the game unfortunately and slowly disappeared into the abyss of early PSP games that weren’t appreciated in their time. However the story didn’t end at that point and…


Review: Pandemonium (PSN)

The first experience I had with Pandemonium was with the short demo included on one of the many demo discs I’ve got from the official PlayStation magazine in Germany. I remember playing it several times, even though it was only one level and thinking it was pretty fun. As we…


Review: Renegade Ops Coldstrike DLC

Renegade Ops was one of the most pleasant surprises from Sega this year: A fast paced twin stick shooter with lots of charisma, humor and non-stop action. It certainly was able to surpass the expectations of many who weren’t too interested by the somewhat forgettable title of the game. While…


Review: Flickpig (iOS)

Flickpig is one of those names you can only imagine an iOS or Android game could have. It’s pretty much the instruction manual for the game: You flick your finger in order to move a pig. As far as titles go, this is „Cut the Rope“ territory. In many ways,…


Review: Sonic Generations (3DS)

For quite a while, Sonic’s entire franchise was feeling rather backwards. The headlining titles of the series, released on all of the major consoles and developed by a team bearing the blue blur’s iconic name, consistently contained glaring, relentlessly intrusive flaws, while their handheld counterparts, presumably second-string in rank and…