August 2011


Sonic 4: Episode 2 is coming in 2012

It has been well over a year now that Sonic 4: Episode 1 has been released on Wiiware, Xbox Live Arcade, iOS, Windows 7 Phones and PlayStation Network.  Up until now there haven’t been too many information on the next episode, but Sonic Team’s Takashi Iikuza told Eurogamer, that the…


You can surf in Shinobi 3DS

Yes, I’m serious. You surf in Shinobi 3DS. Were you looking for an excuse to buy this game up until now? Well, now you’ve got one. All jokes aside though, there is a new batch of Screenshots out for Shinobi 3DS, so head over to Siliconera and check them out!…


Binary Domain now has a release date

Binary Domain got a lot of attention these past few weeks with several Trailers being released by Sega. Now, the third-person Shooter also has a release date: The U.S. can shoot some robots on February 14 and Europe will follow suit on February 17. Are you looking forward to this…