March 2011


Conduit 3DS tech demo was at GDC

For those of you who can remember all the way back to last month you may remember that High Voltage Software have been working on a Conduit game for the upcoming Nintendo 3DS. Well it seems they really have been putting the man hours as there has reportedly been a…


Miscoded Confidence: Beavis and Butt-Head

Nostalgia is probably one of the warmest and fuzziest double-edged swords gamers can encounter as they mature beyond adolescence into adulthood. Primarily this is because a particular game can be all too easily remembered as being significantly better than it actually was as a player matures and samples different genres…


Boss Attack: Altered Beast

Throughout the previous articles in this section, there’s been one common theme throughout all the games I’ve talked about. They’ve all been good. That’s right I do not think too kindly of Altered Beast. It has awful controls, boring design and is just plain bad. Now you may ask me…


Yakuza 4’s been HACKED TO PIECES!!!!

Remember how Yakuza 3’s American port was rendered unplayable because of edits.  Well get ready to cry tears of fire over the edits made for Yakuza 4’s US Version. No Answer x Answer Quiz Game Opening video has different song Answer x Answer?!?! How dare you keep me from quizzes! And licensing…