There seems to be a lot of charity based streams going on these days and I can definitely see why. They’re a fun, creative way to raise money for good causes and I have no objection to that. Talking about charity streams, there’s a group of Canadian gamers out to raise money with a 24 hour gaming session via a live stream next Saturday.
What’s even better is that they will be indulging in a ‘Sega Hour’ from 7 am UTC time to 8 am. This is something that I’m sure you’re very interested in. Remember it’s all for Child’s Play, a great cause which deserves your attention. You can already donate here via ChipIn or join their Facebook events page. Be sure to tune in at least for the Sega hour as these guys have a great event planned.
So was this post a shameless promotion for a friends event? Maybe. Is it worth it if some good comes out of it? Definitely.