Contest: Win a Jet Set Radio hoodie!

We’ve got a problem here at Sega Addicts headquarters: 10 Jet Set Radio hoodies and no one to wear them. After some brainstorming we’ve come up with the grand idea of running a contest where the 10 best entries will be rewarded with a Jet Set Radio hoodie to do with as they please. (We recommend wearing it to formal social gatherings)

How do you enter?

To enter all you have to do is create something that combines the Jet Set Radio aesthetic with any other Sega license. It can be a character from another Sega game drawn in the JSR style as if they were a character from the game, you could turn another game’s logo into a JSR graffiti tag, remix a song from one game and turn it into something more JSR-sounding and any other idea you can think of. All you have to do is make sure and post the image or a link in the comments below and you’re entered!

The contest will run from August 8th until midnight on August 22nd. On August 24th we will be announcing the 10 lucky winners of a Jet Set Radio hoodie! Good luck!

Readers Comments (85)

  1. Awesome! What do do what to do…

  2. whoa… my brain just ploded with ideals.
    Yours will too when you see what I cook up.

  3. Are we allowed to enter more than once?

  4. @ alex .
    When you say post the image in the comments doe’s that include the sega/addictsgmail account too.

  5. By the way I never knew something like this existed.
    But I was also a kid at the time it came out so….

    • Actually these are brand new hoodies that Sega just had created for the upcoming HD release of the game. So, that’s why you never knew they existed.

  6. I have some ideas… But I have a question, can I enter the contest even if I live in Turkey? So many contests doesn’t even count here so that’s why I’m wondering.

  7. Good luck everyone! Thanks for this giveaway

  8. if i make a logo into a JSR graffiti, does it have to be a sega game or can it be from any game?

  9. chameleonicform August 10, 2012 @ 6:45 PM

    So yeah here is my drawing for the contest 🙂 think I might color/shade him in later but as for now just thought I’d submit something 🙂

  10. hear’s my remix song entry of richard jacques’ shape da future :

  11. Nice contest, I chose to do Caine from Binary Domain. Did 2 versions (scarf colour change) not sure which I prefer yet. Let me know!



  12. sypher:

    Nice contest, I chose to do Caine from Binary Domain. Did 2 versions (scarf colour change) not sure which I prefer yet. Let me know!

    Well I guess twitpic embeds dont work. So here are the direct links – original scarf version – green scarf

  13. Working on my entry now. Will these hoodies get an official release to buy or is this the only chance at getting one?

    • I believe the only way to get one of these hoodies is to win one. Sega has no current plans to sell them.

    • I asked Sega directly via twitter as following “Will the Jet Set Radio hoodie be for sale or is it competition limited only ?” they replied with “They are giveaway only”

      • Wow! The 10 that win these sure are lucky!

        • You can say that again, in total they are 300 hoodies or prizes (Can’t remember which) scattered about the internet with most in competitions of 10, Sega give away 2 hoodies and 1 t-shirt earlier today via a direct message twitter competition and I know that had comment competition on name a place you would like to see Jet Set Radio take place running up to the 9th Also they has already been a graffiti competition where people got there art added to the HD version of the game, So yeah everyone has a good chance 🙂

  14. Okay so here is a colored version of my first entry hope you guys like it 🙂 Will be adding my other work shortly and this time I’ll include the Sketch and Colored version links in one post 🙂

  15. And.. Here’s my entry!!

    Ooh! This is so exiting!! XD I LOVE Jet Set Radio!!

    Thank you for considering my entry.

    Sterling Quinn

  16. Here is my third entry Sketch Version –

    Color Version –

    Hope you like this one >.<

  17. So I’m not really sure if this can be accepted but I had fun drawing and coloring so thought I’d share them anyway 🙂

    4th Sketch Version –

    4th Color Version –

    5th Sketch Version –

    5th Color Version –

    I hope these can be accepted and you like them 😛 I look forward to making more art 🙂

  18. Alright, so my two favorite franchises are Sonic and JSR!! Why not combine them in hand-drawn graffiti, in the glory of the JSR style? Hope you like it, I would do anything for one of these hoodies!!![img][/img]

  19. Sonic was Jet Set Radio’d (which should be the official term) a little in Sonic Adventure 2, what with the new shoes and rail grinding, but I wanted to try and capture the look of JSR’s skates and blend that with Sonic’s existing design for my first entry.


    The Chu Chu Radio entry is so great, absolutely amazing work Sterling. Makes me wish I had things other than paper and pens to work with.

  20. [img][/img]

    I haven’t a hope but then again cant win it if i’m not in it

  21. Entry 6 can be discarded as yeah it’s internet created graffiti however I have creation number 7 🙂

    Sketch Version –

    Color Version –

  22. Entry number 2:

    I just wanna say I love this competition. Really seems to have sparked creativity in people, which is so much better than “Answer A B or C and get picked from a hat” style contests.

  23. In it to win it!


    • got the link right this time hope this is visible?

      • I don’t think your Facebook page is open to the public to see your pictures. Could be easier to throw an account together on something like Deviantart or something and link from there. I’m using Tumblr for my entries, seems to do the job well enough.

    Here’s an arrangement of one of the boss themes from Wonderboy in Monster World I made, it’s hard as hell to make something sound like it was produced by Hideki Naganuma though. I’m a hip-hop guy and I can’t even do the stuff he does.

  25. So here it is, my Jet Set Radio x Skies of Arcadia Vyse mash up, hope you like it. [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img]

  26. Entry 3: Ulala comes down to Earth to join The GGs.

  27. I just have a couple of questions!
    Michael Westgarth is my boyfriend, would I still be eligible to enter? (The hoodie would totally be for me if I win one!)
    I have made a cross stitch pattern, due to the nature of cross stitching and my current time constraints I don’t know whether I would be able to stitch it in time. If not, can I enter a digital representation of what the finished piece should look like?

  28. Okay here’s my entry!

    It;s Reala from NiGHTS into Dreams sportng his new GG outfit! I had fun drawing this and i hope you like it.

    I doubt i have any chance of winning though, there is some absolutely amazing stuff on here XD

  29. altho im pretty sure i won’t win i thought i mite as well enter 2 to boost my chances lol good luck to everyone entering

    • I like how you’ve done Sonic in the cel-shaded style, it looks really cool. Makes me wanna up my game with my next entry.


    Have no clue if I have a chance, but if I can combine Panzer Dragoon and Jet Set Radio, I’ll do it.

    Because cramming laser dragons into brightly colored tags is fun.

    • I’d say you’re definitely in with a chance, this is great! It’s got graffiti dragons, what more could anyone want?

    • Agreed defo in with a chance as it embodies both epicly!

  31. Hello 🙂
    Here is my entry !

    Without color :

    With color :

    Good luck everyone!

  32. Hello, Here is my entry. I chose PSO2 for my peice simply because I’m so damn excited for more PSO.

    Here it is:

  33. So here is my 12th entry and first song 😛 –

    I hope you like this 🙂

  34. So yeah here is my 13th entry and 2nd song I have a lot of free time as it’s currently summer break xD –

    • Don’t forget to keep it Sega related! 🙂

      (Remix a Sega tune)

      • Arrhh Thank you for the heads up, I miss read the post I was under the impression that you could remix a song and make it feel like a JSR song that’s why I chose the “Scissor Sisters” because they are up-beat and jazzy just like the JSR soundtrack 🙂 Does this mean that my remixes are none valid or can I fix/change them by adding something Sega related ?

  35. Whoa this competition brought a lot of new people to site, or I’m just a idiot and haven’t noticed most of these people before!

  36. Here’s my entry, a JSR style graffiti tag take on the classic sonic logo, with some sonic figures and a gold ring thrown in for good measure =D

  37. Better photo of the pic above =D delete original if you want as it’s the same entry!

  38. Wow these are all looking great! I’m excited to see what other crazy creative ideas people come up with.

    Good luck everyone!

  39. Entry 4: Eggman Can’t Skate.

    Not as happy with this as I was with Ulala but oh well.

  40. Hello, this is my entry for the competition!

    It’s a Jet Set Radio version of Nights, rollerskating and painting dreams all over the streets with vibrant colours.

    You can see the original size here:

  41. Here’s my third entry, this is a little closer to something DJ Professor K himself would do. It’s a mashup of the Space Harrier theme and Space Jam. #comeonandslam #bballwillneverdie

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