“Your fingers, the goodness that dressed as hard!” Now that’s a catchy Google translated tagline.
Online Japanese retailer ebten has started taking pre-orders for a silver Sega Saturn ring, which will launch July this year and is selling for 12,600 yen ($132). From what I can understand it sounds like only 50 of the rings will be produced, so depending on the demand they may go fast.
While I can see how the idea of wearing a solid silver Saturn on your fingers could be tempting, I’m not sure I could pull it off but kudos to anyone who’s willing to give it a try. At the least, this could make a cool collectible or a great engagement ring!
I really want this ugly thing! Haha
if this means that the marriage will end like the saturn, that is not so romantic
Martigasin, I don’t want that either! However I know how to keep any marriage going wonderful. It does not involve though what you may think or “still” think that Im talking about religion. I’m talking about Who is my best friend Jesus… If you are actually mad or not I understand.