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Sega Addicts Episode 125

We’ll be recording episode 125 tonight as we journey into Part 11 of our never-ending Acclaim series. Games to be discussed are:

X-Men: Children of the Atom (Saturn)
NBA Jam Extreme (Saturn)
DragonHeart: Fire & Steel (Saturn)
The Crow: City of Angels (Saturn)
Bubble Bobble also featuring Rainbow Islands (Saturn)

If you got questions/comments about any of these games, Acclaim, and/or Sega in general please leave them in the comments below!


Readers Comments (4)

  1. Damn X-men was a phenomenal arcade & port! Probably my favorite 2D fighter, not as button mashy as the MvC series, and much more intricate level designs. Which of course begs the question, if we found out North Korea did actually have a nuke, do you think we should pre emptively strike to prevent them from being able to use it? Do you think China would intervene on their behalf? Also, I always found Silver Samurai to be crazy over powered. Dude was a bastard.

  2. Mother Alex….hmmm…who’s the father then? Mike, Tom, get me…Maury.

  3. Shaq fu the only fighting game I owned (if you call that a fighting game) or knew of and was for the Sega Genesis.

    It was Jc penney’s where I picked up Xmen C.O.T.Atom.

    The story goes:

    one day when dragged to that department store by my lady sweating the torturous hour or more following her in that store, I gazzed down, thru a glass case to find Sega Saturn games. One titled X-MEN something. Told her, “I gotta have it (loved the comics), it’s a X-MEN…game?”

    Bought it, got home, put in the Saturn & powered it on. Acclaim & Capcom splash screens, the music kicks in and onto a character select screen where I pick Wolverine… of course (no Ironman in this game). I had no knowledge of what to do next.
    There’s my character on screen and one opposing him and I said to myself… OK?
    I then push one of the buttons on the controller twice, wolverine reacted to the button press, extending his mettle claws while saying “Hya Hya!”
    That moment was a euphoric for me. Varying the button pushes got him to say “Hya, Hya, Drill Claw!” It was complete Bliss!

    With this game I found out what Fighters were supposed to be. Thanks again Acclaim!

    So Alex, loving the Podcasts as I do and bouncing off the Shiggidy question, would you consider being my kids god-Mutha’?

  4. Do you think there were a lot of suicides at Acclaim studios?

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