Tonight is episode 31. Speaking of the number 31, is that anyone else’s favorite prime number? Tonight we will be discussing a game called Sonic the Hedgehog 4. It is an indie game about the human condition and since we are all humans who use conditioner when washing our hair I thought it appropriate to talk about on the podcast.
Oh, and if you look over to the right side of our site you’ll see a little poll about Sonic 4. Why don’t you give a response? We’ll be discussing the results on the show and this polling idea may become a weekly thing. How do you feel about that?
As always you can leave your listener questions and comments below. If you have some thoughts you’d like to share about Sonic 4 go right ahead.
So, I’ve kinda mentioned on the forums that I’m not exactly a fan of Episode 1’s level designs basically being remakes of previous zones, and how I’d rather see original locales instead of Green Hill remake #5698. So, that said, if you could choose a setting or locale for a level in Episode 2 that was rarely/never used in previous Sonics, what would each of you choose and why?
Continuing from that, what kind of unused/rarely used contraption would you like to see Robotnik use in a boss fight?
The only question I could ask for this one is “why is Sonic 4 so incredibly awesome?”
Oh, I just thought of another one: If Sonic 4 had a subtitle for Episode 1 what would it be? They could copy Star Wars and call it “A New Hope” and it’d be pretty suitable actually.
I only have an Xbox 360 for getting Sonic 4: Episode 1, but I was wondering which one you bought? (PS3, iPod, Xbox, WiiWare)
Also, if there was a lady named Sega, what would you want her to look like? And would you date her?
Yeah, I’m just wondering whether Sonic 4 brings enough new to the table to be considered a sequel that builds on the previous games rather than a redux or remake?
What do you guys think about only controlling Sonic…a welcome return to the roots or a thinner, more anemic game as a result?
Do you think they’ll add a 2 player Tails option at any point in the future?
What do you think of the music, does it do its job in blending nostalgic reverence for the old games with the soundscape of today’s games? What’s your favorite track?
And the poll…you need to give a bit more options! I would have voted for something like “Good”, since I enjoyed it (more than an “okay”) but didn’t think it was fresh enough to be deemed “amazing”.
My only question is did it live up to your standards. After all the feedback did the Blue Blazer yet again fall on his face or returned with a triumphant victory?
Never played it but have anyone of you beaten it thus far? If so please explain to us how you felt about each level and the bosses. I don’t care if you spoil us rotten, just say “SPOILER ALERT!” or something to that effect.
Since I have most if not all systems (excluding the iphone). Which version for which system would you recommend gettting the most?
And as always keep up the good work, no matter how many times those Shining Force b***ches whine about that game I’m still going to ask more and more about it, including anything SJRPG Sega-related.
The more they whine the more I ask. But I’m always going to be a listener regardless. So, keep up the good work guys.
Now since the game is out, do you guys think the game really deserves the title ‘Sonic 4’ and why? If not then do you think SEGA should’ve made this and future episodes it’s own 2D series of Sonic games?
Many people would say Sonic 4 is bittersweet in how awkward it’s physics can be and yet still remain an addictive gameplay experience. Do you agree with these sentiments?
Did you like how the acts were separated in Sonic 4 (3 levels, 1 boss) or would you have liked the 2 act zones they did from Sonic 2 on up?
Lost Labyrinth Zone Act 2 — The puzzle with the four torches.
Light the far right torch, wait 3 seconds, then light the third torch from the left.
Other than the lighting the torches gimmick, what did you think of the level specific gimmicks?
Did you like the special stages? Why did you or why not?