April 2011


Retro Review: X-Men 2 – Clone Wars

If you’re anything like me, the constant talk of Streets of Rage lately has had you hankering for some more good old fashioned couch coop beat’em up goodness. I recently saw James Marsden in holiday fluff-piece ‘Hop’, which reminded me of how much they screwed him over with a terrible…


Sonic Cameos: Racing Edition

Sonic is no stranger to racing games.  The Blue Blur has starred in Sonic Drift, Sonic R, Sonic Riders, and Sega All-Stars Racing.   However, he also appeared in many racing titles outside of his own franchise.  Examples of this include Daytona USA, Radmobile, OutRunners, and more!  You can catch…


Sega Sale on XBLA

Still haven’t bought Sonic 4 yet? Well from April 19th to April 25th you can do so for only 600 Microsoft Points! You can also pick up Outrun Online Arcade for 400 points and Crazy Taxi for 400 points as well. Pretty sweet sale if you don’t have these games…