Gamecenter CX takes on Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis)

I really love Gamecenter CX: It’s a Japanese TV series where a guy and his team trie to complete old games. This time, they are playing Sonic The Hedgehog for the Sega Genesis! Have fun with it!

[Source: Gamecentercx]

Readers Comments (3)

  1. I love this show SO MUCH. SO SO MUCH. I’m stuck on episode 25, though, cause I can’t find it. I hate skipping episodes, and all of the subbed episodes I’ve found after 25 are really spread out. :C

    …I would totally watch this episode, but…As I said above…*Sad faec*

  2. @manic Maverick
    Whoops, forgot to add the source. Check it out…

  3. Yeah, that’s where I found them. But their episodes are all spread out, 25 and after. :C

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