November 2011


Crush3D gets a new trailer

This trailer basically works as a tutorial to the game and shows you how the game works. The concept is pretty easy to grasp, but also gives you a look at what the game will be about. It looks nice so far and I hope it will get some attention…


There’s a new Phantasy Star game!

You’re probably on the edge of your seat right now, but I think the reality isn’t as great as you’re imagining it right now. It’s a social game available at Yahoo’s Mobage since today and it’s called “Phantasy Star Eternal Planets”. If you’ve got a Japanese Yahoo ID you can…


Review: Shinobi (3DS)

In the late 80’s and early 90’s Shinobi was one of Sega’s most important franchises, but in recent years the series has been almost forgotten. Since 1995 the Shinobi canon has only seen 3 new titles (excluding this one), and a new one hasn’t come out since 2003. This game,…