March 2013


TimeGate Studios hit by major layoffs

The Texas-based studio — infamously caught up in all the controversy surrounding the development of Aliens: Colonial Marines — has revealed to Polygon that they’ve had to let go a significant portion of staff, rumoured at 25. TimeGate president Adel Chaveleh told the website: Today, we had to make the difficult decision to…


Company of Heroes 2 to be released in June

Though originally dated for May, Sega have announced they will publish the second instalment of their newly purchased IP on June 25th. Released seven years after the original, the year is 1941 and control will be over soviet forces, with the developers promising new features such as dynamic weather and destructible environments. Sega purchased Relic…


Sonic Dash is out today

The game was just officially announced three days ago, and already it’s out on iPhone, iPad, and iPod! I suppose it’s appropriate for a quick character like Sonic to have such a speedy turnaround. By now you may or may not have seen that Sonic Dash is part of the…