Take a gander at gameplay from all four Sega 3D classics on 3DS

With 3D Altered Beast and 3D Sonic the Hedgehog showing up on Australia’s Classification Board and 3D Space Harrier making an appearance at London’s MCM expo, it’s likely only a matter of time before we hear something official regarding a release outside of Japan.

To get gamers prepped for this inevitable announcement, Nintendo Life has posted the above video offering a glimpse of gameplay from all three aforementioned titles. The video also covers 3D Super Hang-On, which has yet to be confirmed for any western localization.

Interestingly enough, the footage of Super Hang-On is the most intriguing, as it displays a new tweak that actually tilts the screen to mimic the arcade cabinet’s moving seat. While such a feature could certainly be disorienting at first, I imagine it could add a little extra novelty to a couple of these well-worn classics.

[Source: Nintendo Life]