
10 Things That Aren’t Sonic: Segavations

My colleague Stevie Grant did an editorial last week about 10 of Sega’s worst mistakes. You can’t blame him for being so negative. Stevie’s from Britain. He lives in a land made of cobblestone that’s perpetually overcast. It’s a dreary, foggy place where their only means of transportation is by…


Sonic 2 XL Hack Super-Sizes Sonic

Sonic has always had a insatiable love for Chili Dogs, but what happens when he finally lets himself go and becomes an obese monster on a scale comparable to Jabba the Hutt? Well, users Captain Bozo and Ranger unveiled their heavyweight beast on the Sonic Retro forums. Aptly named, ‘Sonic 2…


RetroReview: Mega Bomberman

You kids and your Nintendo Wiis and your wifi and whatnot. Spoiled, the lot of you! Boy in my day, if it wasn’t for Mega Bomberman we’d have had nothing for more than two players at once! Well, except Mutant League Hockey, and The Lost Vikings. And General Chaos, I…


MegaDriving: OutRun

I had wanted to save the subject of tonight’s MegaDriving for later on, but since it’s been one of the most often requested games to be featured, I figure, why not go ahead and give you folks what you want? So, without further adieu… Taking a joyride through beautiful locales,…