Search Results: sonic 3


Marathon Hype: All About Block #2

It’s Wednesday, Hump Day, as the kids on the street call it, and another day closer to the Dreamless Dreamcast Marathon. Several on the staff have already detailed their preparations, or lack thereof, and while I’d like to join them, I don’t have time. After all, I’ve gotta give you…


Marathon Hype: All About Block #1

Last week, we revealed the schedule for the 2017 Dreamless Dreamcast Marathon. Needless to say, we’re pretty stoked about the lineup, especially the fact that it has the fingerprints of our fantastic community all over it. Since we’re just under a week away from going live, I thought it’d be…


Marathon Hype: The Schedule

While Scotty is trying to figure out Pen Pen Tricelon’s lore, I think it is high time to announce every single game we are playing this year as we raise money for Extra Life! Get pumped, everyone! We have the schedule broken up a little differently this time around, because we…