Search Results: sonic 3


Yuji Naka is making a fishing game

Sonic and Nights creator Yuji Naka is working with Namco Bandai to make Family Fishing. According to a Famitsu write up the Wii game will take players to lake resorts, jungle lakes, and other places. As well as have thousands of items and over two hundred fish to catch. They…


The Sega Addicts record Episode 55 tonight!

Tonight we’ll be discussing all sorts of Sega related news, including E3 and all that goodness, as well as, today’s Sonic Gem, Mystic Defender for the Sega Genesis! If you’ve got some Sega related listener questions and/or comments please leave them below. They’re the only thing any of us look…


The Sounds of Sega: “CHOOOOOM!”

Rocket Knight Adventures is a really loud game. I mean that in the nicest way possible.  Just about every song and sound effect in its brief running time is boisterous and catchy in a way that demands attention, so much so that the brief silence that accompanies the end of…