Well known Sonic musician Bentley Jones has recently released a new remix of Lady Gaga’s Judas. Bentley Jones (most well known for his pop rock songs in recent Sonic titles) has previously worked on Sonic 06 and the Wii title Sonic and the Black Knight. You can listen to the remix here: [soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/22355435″]
This remix actually comes from Mr. Jone’s alter ego ‘PHUNKSTAR’. So it has even less to do with Sega then you think! Yeah I know it’s a tangential link but a lot of people like Bentley’s work. But what about you? Did you like this or do you prefer his more Sonic orientated songs? Discuss this in the comments!
[Source: Sonic Wrecks]
Also, I like it.
Oh, Stevie. You and your Lady Gaga.