I guess that placating rumor that Patrick would be driving the Hornet from Daytona USA was untrue after all. So much for grasping at that last strand of validity.
The official website for Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed has just launched, and with just a little bit of digging, TSSZ community member Woun unearthed the image you see above. Artwork was also discovered suggesting the possibility of a Sky Sanctuary track. Hmmm, maybe the folks at Sega aren’t the “Masters of Secrecy” they claim to be after all?
Is anyone else amused as I am that they felt it was necessary to put Danica’s name around her character model’s waist? It’s like Sumo Digital is already anticipating the questions of “Who the hell is this lady and what is she doing in my Sega mash-up game?” Oh, she’s Danica Patrick. You’re welcome.
[Source: TSSZ]
Remember how awkward Sonic looked while running around in Station Square amongst all the humans? That’s how Miss Patrick looks here. Even with other “humans” in the game, she is a the biggest sore thumb of them all.
Hornet looks pretty cool though lol
I’m actually glad she’s not the Hornet. Stupid talentless trash would’ve tainted the greatness of that car.
Oops, what am I saying, sheesh that’s not the Hornet. *smacks head*
But that formula car is pretty neat