Sega release details on the Japanese version of Rusty Hearts

Sega have released several details regarding the Japanese version of the free-to-play MMORPG Rusty Hearts, which will start its beta testing phase in a few days, and will be made available to play ‘this winter’.

The Japanese version of the game seems to bear little difference from the original which was made available to Western audiences in 2011 by publisher Perfect World.

Even so, Sega have released required PC specifications, their beta testing schedule and some small screenshots from the game, which can be seen after the jump.

[Source: Sega Driven]

About the author

Michael Westgarth

Michael Westgarth is a freelance writer and geneticist for hire who has been writing about video games since 2011. Michael enjoys saving the world and building creeper-proof, vertical sheep farms. Follow him on Twitter @MegaWestgarth, Tumblr and Google+.

Readers Comments (1)

  1. I had a good time playing Rusty Hearts earlier this year. It’s unfortunate the game hasn’t gotten the attention I think it deserves.

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