
New Aliens Vs Predator DLC coming tomorrow

Chest bursting it’s way onto PSN, Steam, and XBLA tomorrow, Aliens Vs. Predator is getting some new content in the form of the ‘bughunt map pack.’ These new maps can be used for a verity of online modes such as deathmatch, Predator hunt, species deathmatch, mixed species deathmatch, picnic deathmatch,…


Sonic Colors Post E3 Preview

Mashing up 2D and 3D elements, Sonic Colors is giving the fastest blue hedgehog on the planet another romp on the Nintendo DS and Wii before the year is over. Sharing thoughts post E3, Spawnkill is already affirming that this title already appears to be heading in the right direction…


Forum News: Saiyavenger Wins!

Hey Sega Addicts, I’m the other community manager-like guy here to report on what has been going on in the forums this week. If you haven’t joined the forums yet, what are you waiting for? DO IT NOW! We would love to see some new members, jump right in and…


Mini-Review: Sonic & the Secret Rings

I have never wanted to snap a Wiimote in half so badly. Sonic & the Secret Rings is the most frustrating piece of interactive entertainment I’ve ever played. Sega has taken a gameplay concept and setting that could have made a decent game and decided to layer on tons of…