
Freedom isn’t free

You know, I never thought about it that way… Next time I play that stage I won’t free those poor animals anymore. Better alive and imprisoned than… well, THIS! Also, after the jump: a nice little, pretty random Mortal Kombat video with mouth made sounds. Enjoy!


20 Days of Sonic: So It Begins…

I will never forget my first moments with Sonic 2. Still buzzing with the breathless elation of receiving the ultimate Christmas gift, I plugged in my brand new, minty fresh black box o’ fun. When I hit that pill-shaped power button, it was like popping the first pill. Within moments,…


Portable Dreamcasts available for pre-order

Japanese website pachimon.tv is accepting pre-orders for the coolest thing ever made, a portable Dreamcast. For the measly price of 38,000 Yen, which is about $470 US dollars, this amazing piece of machinery can be yours! They are hand made which probably explains the insane price. I’ve been seriously considering…