The first Dream Raiders trailer is a dream come true

Sega has lived up to last week’s promise with the exciting little trailer you see above. It doesn’t really touch on anything the player does, but it does provide a sweeping overview of the varying environments you’ll zip through before the game’s completion.

This trailer also gives a really good idea of just how fast-paced and guided of an experience it will be. It looks like players will rocket along a track as various explosive events and robot enemies assault them. Dream Raiders also uses a moving seat and wind effects, so it really looks like they’re going for the theme park ride vibe with this one. In true Sega arcade fashion, it looks exceedingly simple and straight-forward, but also a lot of fun.

Since you see no shooting in the video, it’s very difficult to judge just how interactive the game will be. A lot of it just looks like it’s banking in on scope and scale, so I’m hoping we’ll get a little bit more of a feel of the player’s involvement relatively soon.

[Source: Arcade Heroes]