

All Outta Tea: Part II

To outsiders, the small British village of Glumleigh, West Yorkshire, may seem to be a dank, grey place of mediocrity, where its meagre population survive the way their ancestors had always done, tolling the harsh lands and rearing their livestock. But behind closed doors, when nights draw dark, and storms…


All Outta Tea: Part I

To outsiders, the small British village of Glumleigh, West Yorkshire, may seem to be a dank, grey place of mediocrity, where its meagre population survive the way their ancestors had always done, tolling the harsh lands and rearing their livestock. Its inhabitants are, however, content with their simple lives, comfortable…


What We Were Playing: 10/21/2012

Like the coolest kid at the party What We’ve Been Playing is so fashionably late that everyone was already passed out! What a shame. Basically GameCity7 came along and I ended up missing the date I would normally put this post up. I know it’s a crime and you’re all…


Retro Review: Mega Man 8 (Saturn)

There are a lot of Sega-centric anniversaries colliding right now. The Sega CD is 15 years old. September and all its Dreamcasty glory just happened. A much less high-profile anniversary is upon us as well: The 15th Anniversary of Mega Man 8 for the Sega Saturn, aka “The game that…