Search Results: sonic 3


Forum News: Flawless Victory

Hello once again Sega addicts. It’s that special time again where I ramble on about what we’ve rambled on about. That’s right; it’s time for forum news. But first, as always, join the forums so you know what I’m talking about. There really isn’t a point of reading this if…


Miscoded Confidence: Toejam and Earl

Whimsical and challenging rarely go hand in hand because realistically, they sit on opposite polar ends of how things are crafted in this medium. For instance, Modern Warfare 2 and Bioshock, both possessing their own capriciousness are oft seen as simply shooters as opposed to what their narratives possess. Modern…


Sega is hiring (In the US now)

Hey!  Americans!  Remember when Sega announced that they were looking for an Assistant Producer for their UK chapter?  Remember being thoroughly pissed that somewhere on the other side of the Atlantic someone just like you was getting employed by the house that Sonic built?  Well, it’s America’s turn.  Sega America…


Radvertisements: Dreamcast Launch

With a lineup of five games and hardware shortages the Japanese launch of the Sega Dreamcast was an abysmal failure. Sega of America took note especially one man, President and CEO Bernie Stolar. The man gets a lot of hate but he’s pretty much the reason the American launch of…