Contest: Win a Jet Set Radio hoodie!

We’ve got a problem here at Sega Addicts headquarters: 10 Jet Set Radio hoodies and no one to wear them. After some brainstorming we’ve come up with the grand idea of running a contest where the 10 best entries will be rewarded with a Jet Set Radio hoodie to do with as they please. (We recommend wearing it to formal social gatherings)

How do you enter?

To enter all you have to do is create something that combines the Jet Set Radio aesthetic with any other Sega license. It can be a character from another Sega game drawn in the JSR style as if they were a character from the game, you could turn another game’s logo into a JSR graffiti tag, remix a song from one game and turn it into something more JSR-sounding and any other idea you can think of. All you have to do is make sure and post the image or a link in the comments below and you’re entered!

The contest will run from August 8th until midnight on August 22nd. On August 24th we will be announcing the 10 lucky winners of a Jet Set Radio hoodie! Good luck!

Readers Comments (81)

  1. Hello there! What a great contest! Here’s my entry. I decided to draw a Bayonetta themed graffiti tag. =)


  2. For my second entry I would like to enter a Sega tribute video I made which is set to Jet Set Radio Future epic tune teknopathetic

  3. 5th entry, Ruthless from Anarchy Reigns mixed with Humming the Bassline.

  4. Quick one


  5. [img][/img]

    Here we go 😀

  6. Here we have my second entry, a mash up of sonic’s classic “Chemical plant zone” with JSR’s “Let mom sleep”

    If someone could let me know it works i’d be thankful as i’ve never used soundcloud before this!

  7. Thanks fella, you’re damn talented yourself, hopefully if you win all ten you’ll loan me one =P

  8. 7th entry, Recipe For The Perfect Afro by Featurecast (from the EU and De La versions of JSR) mixed with Juicy by Biggie Smalls.

  9. Wow, awesome stuff so far everybody!!! @.@

    • I have six more drawing on the way and one is a special for the Seag-Addicts team 😛 5 are sketched and just need scanning on to the computer and coloring the other is currently in the works could possible have all six finished by tonight 🙂 If so I’ll submit them all in one post xD Thank You for the competition guys I’ve had mass amounts of fun.

  10. I’m about half way through my entry. It’s taken a lot longer than I was hoping, but hopefully it will be worth it! I may post up a ‘work in progress’ so I at least have an entry (just in case I don’t finish in time!)

  11. Awesome entries so far.
    Not sure how many times you can enter but here is my first entry:

    And some bonus shots:

  12. My third and final entry, some classic shinobi graffitti! First pic shows it against original, second required ‘ninja’ timing to get the photo as he flashes on screen!

    Again if someone can let me know these show up ok I’d appreciate it =D

    Good luck to everyone entering and thanks sega addicts for a great competition!

  13. Here is my work in progress image. I’ve still got a LOT to do, as this is just the start of what I have in mind.


  14. 8th entry, an okay attempt at making an hour-long radio show set in the JSR universe. I did all of this as I went, and I would enter a show with a thought-out tracklist and stuff, but it would be pretty stressful if I wanted to make it sound good. So yeah, here’s this, it’s aiight for about 15 minutes.

  15. Here’s my entry. Good luck to everyone else!

  16. Just wanted to say I really liked Rayonettas entry based on Bayonetta as a spray paint tag.

    I do hope that people with out painting programs get a fair chance to win a copy too because in some respects it actually takes more talent to get a really good hand drawn piece.

    Bayonetta was one of Sega’s best games in recent years too! So it gets my vote.

  17. Okay, here’s an actually decent mix taking place in JSR’s universe. I tried to fit as much Sega stuff in here as possible without sounding “aaaaaugh”, I hope that made sense. I gave a shout out to Tomato Convenience Store from Shenmue too, ye ye.

  18. Professor K is being covered on the station by hot dog vendor within the vicinity of Dobuita.
    He seems a bit on edge, brandishing a strange record that he refers to as the Phoenix mirror,
    stating that if some Chinese man mashes said mirror with a dragon then all hell breaks loose.

    Yes, he may be unhinged but does anyone remember the havoc that was created by the likewise ‘Devil’s Contract’.[img][/img]

  19. straitJacket:

    Professor K is being covered on the station by hot dog vendor within the vicinity of Dobuita.
    He seems a bit on edge, brandishing a strange record that he refers to as the Phoenix mirror,
    stating that if some Chinese man mashes said mirror with a dragon then all hell breaks loose.
    Yes, he may be unhinged but does anyone remember the havoc that was created by the likewise ‘Devil’s Contract’.

    Looks like someones putting a stop to my transmission, so here’s a link to bypass it:

  20. Half of me wants the comp to end so I have a higher chance of winning, but the other half is coming on every hour or so to see everyone’s amazing new input and loving it!


    Let’s try with this, it doesn’t sound exactly like the Jet Set Radio style, it’s more Sonic Rush really, but the same kind of ‘vibe’ is present, at least I think. ^^


    knuckles is the best character ever so thought id add another just for fun

  23. A while back i made this
    and today i made this

    That hoodie is pretty awesome thanks for the chance to win <3<3<3

  24. Took all day but I finally finished it! It wasn’t easy but I drew main characters from almost every Sega game ever published. Until I ran out of room D:


    List of characters:
    – Vectorman
    – Sam Gideon
    – Bayonetta
    – Zephyr (Resonance of Fate/ End of Eternity)
    – Opa-Opa
    – Alex Kidd
    – Ulala
    – Sketch
    – Kurt Irving
    – Sonic
    – Axel
    – Ai Ai
    – Amigo
    – Chu Chu
    – Harrier
    – Ethan Waber
    – Billy Hatcher
    – Ryo Hazuki
    – Max
    – Gunstar Red
    – Akira Yuki
    – Joe Musashi
    and of course
    – Beat

  25. I just realized that so here’se the new link 😀

    • Got there in the end 🙂 And I must say awesome work man 😛

      • Thanks, I spent all day drawing this and now my left hand is in pain but it was definitely worth it 😀

        • Hahahha a dead arm is a small price to pay for such awesomeness 😛

          • I wanted to add more but I ran out of room to draw D:
            I was going to add Virtual On, Golden Axe and Sakura Wars characters. Oh well, I’m also going to be unable to color this unless I use REALLY small coloring tools due to how small 11″ by 8.5″ paper is 😛
            Oh, and I’m glad you liked it 😀

          • Arrhhh sucks that you couldn’t add the other characters 🙁 Do you have a scanner ? Because you could scan the image onto the computer and then use an application to color them in I have been using DeviantArt Muro but you could use Photoshop or something like that, but yeah I know what you mean it would be a pain 🙁

          • Unfortunately I don’t have one. I prefer to hand draw my stuff anyways as I feel it’s way too easy to do it on a computer. Also because when I did draw on the computer and I posted it in the glorious interwebs, some of the pics would get stolen or copied. A character concept sketch of mine was almost exactly copied by some random clothing company. The only reason I can’t sue is because they changed it from a trench coat to a hoodie but the belt enclosure is almost exactly identical D:

          • No worries man atleast you have the drawing submitted 😛 Yeah the interwebs can be a bitch at times, Way I see it is if your gonna draw something based of an artist you could atleast ask for permission if they are the original drawer, That’s what I hate about DeviantArt people download and add your work to favorites and I’m sat there like “If you could take the time to add or download, Why not comment saying something, Surely if your download or adding you like the drawing?” But anyway enough of my rambling your work is amazing 🙂

          • Thanks, I was scrolling through the previous posts and I saw that you sort of over did it with the art submissions XD At least you’ll be noticed for the awesome art that you made. As for me, I’m really hoping I get one of the ten hoodies. Jet Set Radio is my favorite game of all time. I’ve loved it since it first was released on the Dreamcast and I have every song from every version of the game on my phone 😀

          • Hahahah yeah I kinda got lost in my own world and went abit mad with the submissions, Hahahha thank you for the support I just love Sega and Jet Set Radio (or Jet Grind Radio as it’s know in the UK) Hahhah yeah the hoodies are awesome 😛 Hahahah I feel like I have found a long lost brother JSR, ChuChu Rocket and Crazy Taxi was my childhood xD

          • Sweet Soul Brother just suddenly popped into my head XD and yeah, it’s also called Jet Grind Radio in America as well. I just call it Jet Set Radio as it’s the original name of the series. It was called Jet Grind Radio due to licensing issues. Probably something in America or the UK had taken the name or something like that from what I heard but I could be wrong. 😛

          • Hahahah Super Brother 😛 Yeah something about licensing but over the years Jet Set Radio seemed to fit more and is the official title 😛 Hahha I have actually been thinking of getting the three gangs Noise Tanks, Lover Shockers and Poison Jam tattooed on my arm in a comic box style 😛 Hopefully I’ll be getting t in September when I start back at university xD

          • Both are great songs. My plans for.Jet Set Radio awesomeness is to make Beat’s costume from both Jet Set Radio and Jet Set Radio Future once I get the materials I need. I already have goggles that look similar to his JSRF outfit 😀 Anyways, imah go to bed now as it’s about 1:39 in the morning where I’m at. Peace out “Super Brother” ( I love Jet Set Radio’s soundtrack) XD

          • Indeed they are xD sounds like an awesome idea man 😛 Hahaha it’s 6:40am in the UK (I’m living the student dream searching the internet and not sleeping) Night Super Brother 😀

  26. xtraboardcredit August 18, 2012 @ 9:31 AM

    This is my 2nd and last entry. I love my creative uses for the spray cans. Shadow had flicky containers and Gunstar Yellow has spray can pistols.

  27. Finally finished my entry! Took just under 20 hours all together, so I hope it was worth it – I so desperately want one of these hoodies to go with my ‘Beat’ T-shirt! 😉

    Here is a small version of the final pic:


    [url=””]HERE[/url] is a link to the super-high quality version.

    Here are some detail shots of a couple of the parts.


    There are also a couple of SEGA references hidden in there. One very subtle, the other not so…


    Phew! 🙂

  28. Gah! I’ll get it right in a minute!

  29. I decided that I didn’t like the Poison Jam guys on the board in Nights’ tag, cos they made it too messy. I’ve done a new version which looks a little cleaner. 🙂


    and here is a link to the new big version:

    I have to say that I am loving the Sega Addicts site! I never knew about it before seeing this competition on Facebook, but I will definitely stick around! I’m working my way through the podcasts at the minute, and they are great fun! 🙂

  30. Here is the second subtle sega reference (for some reason the link wasn’t working in my original post).


  31. Guy / Girl above. You have mad skills.

  32. This was so fun to do! xD
    I really enjoyed trying to stick Sonic into the JSR theme:

    Great idea for a contest guys 🙂
    Here’s hoping for one of those epic hoodies!

  33. wakkowarnerlover August 19, 2012 @ 12:24 PM

    Here’s my entry! Rhythm Thief’s Raphael and Fondue as Beat and Gum!

  34. Here’s my entry! Sonic & Co. a la JSR.

    Pretty on-the-nose as far as “any other SEGA license” is concerned, but I’ve wanted to do something like this for a while and this light a fire under me. Had fun, hope you guys like it.


  35. Alex Supersonic August 20, 2012 @ 2:02 AM

    As I am too bad in drawing, I made something different 🙂 It’s me in a JSR Sonic-style outfit graffiti-ing the Dreamcast into a new one. As other IP’s there are Sonic and MSR, as well a cool SEGA slogan and 2 limited edition Dreamcasts.

    Here is my entry:

  36. They call him Woody…. WIIIIILD WOOD-AY.

    Decided to go quite obscure with this one, for anyone who doesn’t get the reference:

  37. Amy Rose as a character from JSR:

  38. [img][/img]

    Allright, I know what you’re saying “But Mario isn’t a SEGA character”

    BUT WAIT: The “mario and sonic at the olympics” games were done by SEGA, and obviously Mario appears in those games. Therefor he is a valid part of a SEGA franchise.

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