Sonic the hedgehog


Review – Sonic Forces

It’s hard to believe that Sonic Generations was six years ago. All was right with the Sonic world back then. Classic Sonic had come back, and been done as close to perfect as we could’ve hoped at that time. Bad, overly grimdark stories had seemed to be a thing of…


Review – Sonic Mania

“By the fans, for the fans”. It’s a phrase you hear all the time, but it’s usually followed up by a promising fan project getting C&D’d weeks later. Not in this case. Sonic Mania is the product of a rare event; a company seeing how talented members of a classic…


Why Sonic Won’t Die

I have fond, irreplaceable memories of playing games as a kid. Exploring worlds, leaping through obstacles, and jumping on the heads of enemies – things I could never do in real life – was great for a kid with no chance of exploring and overprotective parents. I’ll never forget the first…