
Sonic for Hire has 2 new episodes!

http://youtu.be/EZFg-ys9OR4 The best show ever, Sonic for Hire, has two new episodes for us to enjoy. In the first one Sonic joins up with the Pac Man ghosts to earn some cash. Then he finds him self working with Bomberman to diffuse some bombs. This should go without saying by…


The Weekly Contest: Bug! and Outrun 2019

The winner of last week’s Weekly Contest is…. sonfan! I’ll be emailing you shortly regarding your prizes of Cosmic Carnage for 32x and a PSN code for Sega Rally Online Arcade. Congratulations! This week’s contest is for Bug! on the Sega Saturn and Outrun 2019 for the Genesis. Entering the…


A look back at the Sega CD

G4TV did a nice 5 minute long video on the Sega CD that you can check out in the Source link. It doesn’t only give a brief summary of the history behind it but also shows a lot of game footage and some opinions from staff members. It’s always fun…