

Retro Review: Gunstar Heroes

It’s that time again! Sometimes I think I’ve done a few too many of these, and then I remember a game I haven’t had a chance to honour yet. Today’s lucky remembered is Treasure’s Gunstar Heroes, which is one of the finest two-player games on the entire Mega Drive (It…


In Defense of Bubsy

The gaming scene has a lot of opinionated participants. With fans opinions reaching preposterous levels, it seems everyone has their own idea about one thing or another. However sometimes there’s something in which everyone agrees on in every way. And for some reason, the infamous Bubsy is one of them….


Forum News: Vacation

Hello Sega-addicts. Apparently most of the people who write in the forums have been super busy over the holidays, and thus it’s been relatively quiet in there for the last couple weeks. It’s starting to pick up as of late, but it’s still been too quiet to warrant a proper…