Sega teases fake game that I want to exist April 1, 2012Stevie Grant6 Comments Filed UnderNews Good one Sega. Although it’d actually buy this game for real. Curse you April 1st for making me want Sega Bass Fishing of the Dead! [Source: Sega Blog]
Yeah I’d play this too.
Didn’t we kinda-sorta pitch this in our “Top Ten Imaginary Zombie Spin-offs” list?
Even though the game is fake, I think Sega needs to make more commercials like this!
You! Guitar playing skeleton! Take my money!
I was thinking the same thing when I saw this. Hopefully they’ll do something with my ‘Ecco: The Shores of Hell’ idea.
I want 10% of the profits this video makes. That was totally my idea.
Enjoy your funny money. Or perhaps some Edgar Allen Dough?