

Review: Rayman Origins

In 1995, Rayman hit the Sega Saturn and PlayStation amidst many 2D side-scrolling adventure games and may have fallen under the radar to some people. Rayman was a quality title with creative level design, unique personality, and a collect-a-thon that had gamers running back through levels many times. Do all…


Review: Shinobi (3DS)

In the late 80’s and early 90’s Shinobi was one of Sega’s most important franchises, but in recent years the series has been almost forgotten. Since 1995 the Shinobi canon has only seen 3 new titles (excluding this one), and a new one hasn’t come out since 2003. This game,…


Review: House of the Dead Overkill: Extended Cut

Before I get started, a small caveat—I have not played the Wii version of this game. This might invalidate my opinion to some, but I’m fairly confident that I’m approaching this review with a pretty common perspective within the Wii’s player base—the curious, guilt-ridden procrastinator who perpetually mutters “Oh yeah,…


Review: Sonic Generations

Over the years, these laughably inspirational words from Sonic Adventure 2’s theme song transformed into a brutally ironic comment on the increasingly sad state of the Sonic franchise.. Year after year, we gleefully anticipated Sonic’s next chance at the plate, and year after year, we found ourselves bound in the…


Review: Daytona USA (PS3)

So, if you’ve been a long time fan of the site, then you know my feelings on Daytona USA. In fact, my very first article for this site was a little editorial and retrospective on the entire series. It is honestly one of my favorite racers and arcade games of…


Review: Brick People (iOS)

Sega has made a few very strong entries into the iOS market, mostly thanks to some good original titles like Samurai Bloodshow. Even the ports, like Chu Chu Rocked and Sonic and Sega All-Star Racing have been very enjoyable overall and showed that Sega tries to get a solid foothold…