

Review: Aliens: Infestation

When playing a licensed game that uses something as beloved and omnipresent as the Aliens franchise as its source material, the question that consistently intrudes on my fun is this: What makes this game worthy of the Aliens name? One of my biggest issues with a lazy licensed title is…


Review: Sega Bass Fishing (PSN)

Over the years, Sega has developed the reputation of releasing countless uneven classic collections. Time and time again, some of the best entries in Sega’s vast library have been inexplicably ignored, brushed aside for a glut of tired and easy ports that have already been released several times over (I’m…


Review: Guardian Heroes

Guardian Heroes is remembered as one of the best games on the Sega Saturn. This 2D action RPG/beat-em-up hybrid was unlike anything else available at the time, and still features elements that are rarely seen in beat-em-ups today. That said, the game is 15 years old and the beat-em-up market…


Review: Space Channel 5 Part 2

It’s no surprise that we here at Sega Addicts love the Dreamcast. And while we all have our favourite titles it seems that sometimes the more strange and obscure games pass us by. For example I had never really paid attention to the Space Channel 5 games mostly because they…


Review: Thor: God of Thunder (3DS)

No, you didn’t accidentally click the “Back” tab 20 times. Coinciding with the release of the DVD, the 3DS Thor comes nearly five months after the film’s theatrical release. Remember this past April? Remember three little Thor games that came out back then? Remember how much we projectile vomited after playing them?…


Review: Radiant Silvergun

Radiant Silvergun is one of those games that never got released in North America when it was originally created. Many ‘shmup fans were upset with this and imported or pirated the game to get the opportunity to play it. When it was released in 1998 it was touted as one…