Articles by Pat Reddick


Forum News: Rage!

Hello, Sega addicts. This is not a happy forum news, I just want to get that out of the way early. In fact, to quote the famous movie The Network “I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this any more.” I urge you to get up…


Forum News: 58, or something

Hello once again, Sega-addicts. It’s Wednesday, which means its time for Forum News. I’m impressed with the amount of activity we’ve been having lately and I’m glad to see that a lot of you seem to be sticking around in there. It’s getting really awesome in there, so if you…


Forum News: Fun-size edition

Hey, Sega-addicts. This post is going to be fairly short because I am in essay hell right now and also because last week’s Forum News is still fairly up-to-date. The most important thing I need to point out is that we exceeded my expectations this week – there was lots…


Forum News: Rally to Restore the Forum

It’s a dark day, Sega-addicts, we’re all too busy with school work and the pre-Christmas video game dump to pay much attention to the forums. As a result it’s getting kind of desolate in there. But that’s all about to change. I’m taking a page out of John Stuart’s/Stephen Colbert’s…