

Review: Mad Dog McCree (3DS)

Welp. I think it’s best time to mosey on over to the eShop channel here on my little ol’ 3DS and take a gander and what’s new in the downloadin’. Well snap my suspenders and call me hogtied, it’s Mad Dog McCree! That game was on the corn-swabbled Sega CD!…


Review: Doctor Who: Worlds in Time

While it can be considered that Sega acquired Three Rings a while ago, to me it doesn’t really seem like that much time has gone by. However in the time since this announcement Three Rings have been working on a Doctor Who MMO which is online now. Since Spiral Knights…


Review: Sonic 4 Episode 2

To say that Sonic 4 Episode 1 was a polarizing game would be a massive understatement. When it released in October 2010, the immediate response was a wildly varying furor of reviews and a split fanbase that seemed like it would consume itself in angry debate. Even the diplomatic and…