

Review: NiGHTS into Dreams HD (PSN)

Also available on XBLA and PC There was a time before cynicism in gaming. There was an age when gamers were constantly excited about the crazy new ideas and gimmicks that game companies would come out with in their constant quest to build the necessary word-of-mouth to sell their software….


Review: Retro City Rampage (PC)

While retro references and pixel graphics plague the modern games industry I think it’s safe to say that we haven’t seen a full blown parody yet. Most retro styled games often leave the inspirations to the graphics and nothing else. Enter Retro City Rampage, a game which not only aims…


Review: Sonic Adventure 2 HD

Love it or hate it, Sonic Adventure 2 is the latest of Sega’s Dreamcast titles to get an HD release. At the time of its original release back in 2001, Sonic Team sought to bring Dreamcast owners a game that surpassed Sonic Adventure and in many respects they had succeeded….


Review: Double Dragon Neon (PSN)

There are two ways to do a retro revival. The first is a literal return to form. Capcom’s Inticreates development house holds the crown on this one. Megaman 9 and Megaman 10 were love letters written to those of us that grew up on the old 8 bit games and…